
Monday, 13 August 2012

RCI on illegal immigrants in Sabah: Najib is taking a bold and risky political move

Prime Minister Najib Razak has announced the Terms of Reference (TOR) for the RCI (Royal Commission of Inquiry) to investigate the illegal immigrant problems in Sabah. The next thing for the investigative body to do is to ensure that the findings are announced before the general election next year. This would be politically risky for Najib depending on the outcomes of the investigation as many UMNO leaders will be implicated. The TOR of the RCI are comprehensive focusing on the issue plaguing Sabah for a long time. However, missing in the TOR is a provision to hold the perpetrators behind the issuance of Malaysian ICs to foreigners accountable. This has riled up opposition leaders who have been pressing the government to prosecute anyone responsible for causing the influx of illegal immigrants into Sabah.

Members of the RCI come from different professional backgrounds and are eminent members of the civil service. However, question has been asked as to why there is no representative from NGOs (Non-Governmental Organisation) or civil society movement. Opposition leaders have also complained that members of the RCI are “pro-establishment”. Now, we come to the timeframe given to the RCI to complete its tasks. Six months might not be enough to investigate a perennial and complex problem. Further, as the timeframe given coincides with the expiry of the parliament’s term, the RCI will have no choice but to complete its investigation before the election is called. This will be difficult as the RCI will have no flexibility in determining the pace of its investigation. What if the RCI wants to extend its investigation due to lack of cooperation from witnesses? Or, what if the RCI needs more time to obtain more data? Holding the election before the RCI completes its mission will only reinforce the notion that the formation of the inquiry body is not more than a “political ploy”. Sabahans have been waiting for so long for actions to be taken.

Despite all the strengths and weaknesses of the RCI, Najib should be commended for taking such a bold and risky political move. Najib is basically putting his head on the chopping board as many of the UMNO leaders are implicated in the issuance of Malaysian ICs through dubious means. If MD Mutalib’s book on “Project IC” and Chong Eng Leong’s “Lest We Forget” are to be taken seriously, some big names are mentioned and it will a difficult task to ask them to respond to the RCI’s queries.

BN might be able to score some points by forming the RCI. The RCI has managed to boost BN’s image in the eyes of Sabahans who want the illegal immigrant problems solved if not sooner, later. The main issue that Najib has to deal with is, will the government have the political will to act based on the recommendations of the RCI? What assurance that the government can give that the RCI will not end up like other previous RCIs? What happens if the findings are not in favour of BN? The onus is on Najib to prove that the government is sincere and Sabahans are not taken for another ride on the illegal immigrants issue.